Sometimes I forget to stop and look at the everyday, simple joys...

Here's to 2012 and stopping to enjoy LIFE!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Countin the Piggy

 Celebrating 100 days of school!

 $52 of change in the piggy! Should have waited a bit longer before we counted.

Monday, January 23, 2012

So far, so good

I have actually been doing pretty good so far with the weekly pictures. I dont get one everyday, but I at least get a few during the week to make this project worth it!
Bath time!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Post 5

 Adam poured his morning coffee into a regular drinking glass. He must have been tired!
 Bringing their dirty laundry down to get washed!
 Jayce has a new piercing
 Dancing to Chris Brown while eating dinner. I didnt catch the dance moves, but got the smile!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Post 4

 I dont think they ever actually watch tv on the couch. Jayce especially. He'll be the best at helping to pick carpet!
 Excited for frozen hot chocolate
 Watching the kids play outside from the window...he's in trouble
 He wont stay mad for long ;)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Post 3

 My smoothy compaired to their pizza...not really fair!
 While eating his pizze, Trey lost a tooth!

 Flying planes!

 Getting ready to watch the Saints vs Lions game....had to get a few throws in before hand-it was really dark!

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